"Yeah, this is it, it's been an adventure
It's the end of the reign of Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg
Through all the change and controversy, you've been by my side
There's no army in the world I would rather give me watch time.
It's been a wild ride, so while I can still be heard
Here's one last brofist from the number one in the world...
A congratulations, it's a celebration!"
Song: Congratulations
Album: //
Author: Pewdiepie, Roomie, Boyinaband
Curiosità: nonostante sia l'ottavo video musicale con più mi piace del 2019, Youtube non l'ha inserito nella top-ten presentata nello Youtube Rewind 2019. (In questo modo, paradossalmente, la corporazione T-series sarebbe stata fuori dalla classifica)
Curiosity: it's the 8th most liked video on youtube (of the 2019), however Youtube didn't put it in the chart presented in the Youtube Rewind 2019. (In this way, paradoxically, the T-series corporation would have been out of the chart.)
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